
 In this world there are two types of intelligence,  one is natural intelligence and another is artificial intelligence. Natural intelligence is related to living oraganisms, especially in animals an order known as " Primates "  are the most intelligent having highly developed brain. Primates include monkeys and humans.

Natural intelligence is a gift from God to an individual. Intelligence is also heredity character mean it may pass from parents to their offsprings. Human brain is a central processing unit which receive stimulus ( messages ) from environment through sensory neurons. These messages travel very fast from the specific part of the body of a normal person. Human body contains 10 system to maintain the body functions, 1) Digestive system, (2) Circulatory system, (3) Respiratory system, (4) Excretory system, (5) Immune system, (6) Nervous system, (7) Reproductive system, (8) Lymphatic system, (9) Skeletal system, (10) Endocrine system.
The most important system is nervous system which control and co-ordinate the body. Nervous system has two parts  central nervous system and peripheral nervous system, central nervous system consists of Brain and Spinal cord. Peripheral nervous system contains Senesory neurons and Motor neurons.
Generally there are five sense organs, Eyes, Ears, Skin, Tongue and Nose.
When we see an object or anything with our eyes contains sensory neurons which detect the picture of an object and send this data through sensory neurons in the form of electrical signal with speed 120m/s average to the central processing unit called Brain which make the process and data and make pitcture of the object, if someone see a snake than brain detect
the danger and stimulate the body other systems very quickly like muscles of skeletal system and hormone, like Epinephrine fight or flight hormones released at the time of danger. This was processing of data received through special parts and processed in brain than brain order to the effector what to do.
Artificial intelligence is related to digital electronic machines, like computer, A.I cars and Robots.
Artificial intelligence are some kinds of commands that programmed in an electronic machine for a specific function,  like Robots contain R.O.S operating system,  artificial intelligence in robots are programmed in programming languages C++ and Python. Robot an artificial intelligent machine also contain some systems like humans 1) Skeletal system, (2) Nervous or processing system ( CPU)  (3) Transport system ( charging). Nervous system of human and  robot are same , this system process data received through sensor i.e antenna or camera ( sensory organ ) the signal are transported to the central processing unit ( CPU) to process that data and perform a particular function. As humans have developed brain, they have I.Q but computer has no I.Q. When a camera ( CCTV) it linked with computer through a cable, the camera is a sensory part which send signal ( data ) received through the cable to the motherboard with very fast speed and are processed in central processing unit (CPU) and show the image on screen.


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