
 Let's compare human coding in DNA with Computer coding in softwares.

In world there are more 7000 languages through which people communicate with each other, every language has a specific rules for usage known as grammer. Grammer is actually the science for the usage of a specific language.
Grammer provides the correct way for people to communicate through the language. The languages which are used among people are natural languages like English, Urdu, Greek etc.
In childhood new born babies learn the language from their environment  ( Mother, Father etc), it is learning behavior, after some years the child learned the language of daily usage.
The above was knowledge about human ( Living organism ), There also exist more 300 languages known as programming or coding languages, these languages are used for computer.
To communicate with computer computer scientists have designed a lot of programming languages.
Every language has its own characteristics,  which distinguish it from other languages.
Every programming language has it own grammer. A special term "Syntax" is used for grammer in computer science.
The languages which are used for computer are artificial languages like C, Java, Python etc.
Two kind of kind of programming languages are available, procedural and object oriented programming languages.
Every digital electronic circuit has coding on its backside which provide information for the work of circuit. Like calculator has a digital electronic circuit so there also a simple software coded in a specific language like C++. Human body is dead or nothing without a soul, organism body is hardware and the soul is software, the electronic parts of computer are nothing without softwares.
Every human has cells which are the structural and functional units of the body. Cells contains many small parts known as organelles which perform a specific function, like mitochondria is the power house of the cell mean it produces energy for organisms, ribosome produce proteins and the every cell has a controlling center known as " nucleus ". Nucleus contain genetic materials in the form of "DNA". DNA contain coding or programs for every thing in human body, in genetics a word "gene" is used which is basic unit of heredity. Gene has codes for every part of the body like eye color, skin color, height etc, Coded in the form of bases A, T, G, C (and U in RNA). When error occurs in these coding it would be very dangerous for human, error may be due to mutation.
Every computer software also contains codes which are the basic units of the software. Every software has its own coding written in a specific language according to the software type.
If an error occurs the program will not be executed and the compiler shows a specific error, like syntax error, logic error and runtime error. Than the programmer try to correct the code. Computer games and a lot of softwares were programmed in Java and C++. Now a day the most popular programming language is
 "python" used in a lot of computer science fields in cyber security , Artificial intelligence and game development. Python has very simple and easy syntax.
Programming language for Web is
 "Javascript" which is used in logic side of websites like in online quiz pages, when you select an answer Javascript will tell you that your answer is right or wrong.


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