
Showing posts from April, 2023


  Let's compare human coding in DNA with Computer coding in softwares. In world there are more 7000 languages through which people communicate with each other, every language has a specific rules for usage known as grammer. Grammer is actually the science for the usage of a specific language. Grammer provides the correct way for people to communicate through the language. The languages which are used among people are natural languages like English, Urdu, Greek etc. In childhood new born babies learn the language from their environment  ( Mother, Father etc), it is learning behavior, after some years the child learned the language of daily usage. The above was knowledge about human ( Living organism ), There also exist more 300 languages known as programming or coding languages, these languages are used for computer. To communicate with computer computer scientists have designed a lot of programming languages. Every language has its own characteristics,  which distinguish it from ot


  In this world there are two types of intelligence,  one is natural intelligence and another is artificial intelligence. Natural intelligence is related to living oraganisms, especially in animals an order known as " Primates "  are the most intelligent having highly developed brain. Primates include monkeys and humans. Natural intelligence is a gift from God to an individual. Intelligence is also heredity character mean it may pass from parents to their offsprings. Human brain is a central processing unit which receive stimulus ( messages ) from environment through sensory neurons. These messages travel very fast from the specific part of the body of a normal person. Human body contains 10 system to maintain the body functions, 1) Digestive system, (2) Circulatory system, (3) Respiratory system, (4) Excretory system, (5) Immune system, (6) Nervous system, (7) Reproductive system, (8) Lymphatic system, (9) Skeletal system, (10) Endocrine system. The most important system is